About This Consultation

Northern Baptist Learning Community – 2013 and beyond

Northern Baptist Learning Community (NBLC) has taken initiatives over the years to develop patterns of ministerial formation and local learning opportunities that enable churches to serve Christ in their own communities and in the wider world.  In order to continue to do this we need to remain creative and flexible in encouraging or responding to new ways of being church, different forms of ministry and opportunities for mission.  The way in which we work must serve our vision and not limit possibilities.  The way in which we work must also embody the values we proclaim.   

We have a unique opportunity to develop further our ways of working and are starting a shared process of discernment.  The change in title from ‘College’ to ‘Community’ was a recognition of the partnership in learning we have with churches and regional associations as well as between students and staff.  In this spirit we want as many people and groups to contribute to the discernment process.

Why now?
The retirement of our Co-Principals (Richard Kidd this autumn and Anne Phillips in summer 2013) together with changes in regional staffing gives us an opportunity to look at the whole staffing of NBLC.  Although we are making arrangements to maintain the work in the interim, the Governors will have to make decisions at their November meeting so that new staffing can be in place by September 2013.  Our current levels of expenditure are unsustainable beyond the immediate future so we will have to be realistic in our proposals.

The process
The NBLC Governors set up the process in January based on preliminary discussion around key issues.  Work will be done by the Education Forum and Finance Committee and consultations take place with groups such as the students, staff and partner bodies.  A special Governors’ meeting will be held in May to consider the report of a small group which will bring together the outcomes.  Further work and consultation will then take place to prepare proposals for the November Governors’ meeting.

But we want more than those formal discussions.  We really would like to hear what you think. 

Three ways to join in the conversation
1. Go to the home page of the blog and comment on one or more of the posts.  (It would help you didn't post anonymously.  Please use your own name and while you are at it why not tell us a little bit about yourself.)
2. Email the steering group directly on nblc2013@gmail.com.
3. Write to us directly at NBLC2013 Group, Luther King House, Brighton Grove, Manchester, M14 5JP.

Please pass the word on throughout our region (The North of England and the Midlands) and please pray for us as we seek to discern the mind of Christ.