Friday 9 March 2012

NBLC 2013 And Beyond - Join The Conversation

This blog has been created in the hope that you will join in an important conversation about the future of the Northern Baptist Learning Community.

  • Can we suggest that you begin by reading the letter from the 2013 Steering Group, about this consultation?
  • You might also want to check out the page that gives a summary of our current vision and core values.
  • Then let us know what you think by commenting on one of the posts on this page. (Just scroll down to see all of the posts.)


We look forward to reading what you have to say.

What Do You Value?

What do you or your church value about NBLC?

What About Our Future?

What is your vision for for the future of NBLC? 

Local Learning And Ministerial Formation

NBLC seeks to offer both local learning opportunities and ministerial formation. How effective has it been and how might both these areas of work be improved in the future?

Challenges We Aren't Addressing

What challenges in mission and ministry does your church face that current patterns of training and formation don’t address?